This is about the cakes and sweets i made for a daughter of my very best mommy friend, Princess Alaia. Really am fond of her because she's such a diva - but that's why she's so unique and faboosh .. spt layaknya diva2 lainnya, she knows what she wants and damn she fights hard for it ! hihiihi
anyways for her birthday, she (or her mom) wanted a princess ballerina theme and her mom, being one of those DIY super moms made fab tutu skirts as goodie bags.. tutu skirt ini jadi sangat populer shg mama nya Alaia ini skrg mulai memproduksi dan menjual tutu skirtnya dgn brand Tutuku. if you have a daughter. you. should. go. get. it. Super Fab!
so these are the pics of all the Cakes and Sweets mentioned above ;p

Cake ini untuk Birthday family gathering, 2 tier cake; Chocolate Cookies 'n Cream flavour.

Cake untuk Tiup Lilin di sekolah. i thought the ballerina slipper topper was really cute.. vintage finds.. ha!
cake ini gak terlalu besar, but it was quite tall though.. Chocolate Cookies 'n cream flavour dgn penambahan Raspberry creme.

This cake was for the actual birthday party dan merupakan kue dadakan ! hahahaha..
so originally, Alaia's mom memesan kue pada seorang teman yg juga di dalam mommy gang kita (gang ??:D), Putri from Cupkeiks ( yang jauuuhhhhh lbh handal dan canggih.. hehehehe
unfortunately menjelang hari H, putri sakit dan harus bedrest.. jadilah si orderan kue ini dihibahkan pada ku.
Alaia's mom wanted a 2 tier cake tapi berhubung jumlah tamu gak begitu banyak, so it was decided that 1st tier nya meng
gunakan cake dummy. Tema Candyland ini tercetus stlh browsing sana sini dan lihat kue dgn aliran senada di website nya Martha stewart, kebetulan aku dan Alaia's Mom ini sama2 penggemar Jeung Martha ;p
kuenya adalah Moist Chocolate cake dgn Raspberry Creme.

Sugar Cookies dgn tema Ballet dan SuperHero (utk cowok2 kecil)
Cookie stand nya dibuat oleh Alaia's Mom.. really cute !

Cake Lollies (Vanilla, Strawberry, GreenTea)